Month: September 2011

  • Breaking Change in Cruise Control .NET 1.6

    Building on my earlier post about Setting up Cruise Control .NET 1.5/1.6 on Windows 7 + IIS7, I have identified a breaking change with CruiseControl .NET 1.6.x. For readability, I like to place each -D flag in my <buildArgs> definition on a separate line <tasks>� <nant> <executable>$(NAntExecutablePath)</executable> <buildFile></buildFile> <buildArgs> -D:SolutionFile=”$(Batch_WorkingFolderTrunk)MySolution.sln” -D:LocalDeployRoot=D:cideployMyProject </buildArgs> <targetList> <target>build</target> </targetList> […]

  • Batch Image Resize

    I have been looking around for a method to resize multiple images in a single batch. There have been a number of downloadable tools and shell integration solutions, but I was hoping to find an online tool to do just that. Not finding a solution that I liked, I decided to build one. Take a […]