Author: bitsoft

  • PlantUML – Missing Docs

    I’ve been using PlantUML for my technical diagrams recently; the ability to include the source for my diagrams along side my projects has been a documentation game changer. The tool is pretty well documented on their website but a few things are not immediately clear until you stumble with using it a few times. How […]

  • Refreshing my Windows 10 dev machine

    Run Windows Fresh Start to clean up the machine from all of the bloatware either came with the computer or has been installed over time. This post is a work in progress and will be updated as more tools are identified. Install chocolatey Install the dev tools via chocolatey. Make sure you run chocolatey from […]

  • dotnetcore 2.0 on Linux suffering inotify errors

    I am currently writing my first dotnet core 2.0 application deployed to a Linux environment. The development has been on a Mac using a combination of the dotnet cli and Visual Studio for Mac. In deploying the app to a QA site, we experienced an error I’ve never seen before An exception occured reading app […]