Fixing crashed WordPress comments
I recently noticed that I had lost all my comments from the Enterpriseyness blog (this website, a WordPress site). I decided to look at the database table that stores my comments. By default, the comments are stored in wp_comments but you have the option to use any prefix other than ‘wp’ when you are setting […]
Manually Installing WordPress on GoDaddy Free Linux Shared Hosting
Log in to your GoDaddy account and create a MySQL database Wait for the database to be created. Log in to the database, and note the server address Download the latest WordPress packager The latest version is available here: http://wordpress.org/latest.zip Unzip/decompress the package and upload the “wordpress” folder within to Run the WordPress installer When […]
Manually Installing Drupal 6.20 on GoDaddy Free Linux Shared Hosting
GoDaddy offers free hosting when you purchase a domain. The free hosting shows ads on all of the hosted pages and prevents you from installing their offered applications. Follow these steps to install Drupal 6.x on the free hosting account and hide the ads. Create the MySQL database. The free hosting allows up to 10 databases. Download […]