Category: continuous integration

  • Breaking Change in Cruise Control .NET 1.6

    Building on my earlier post about Setting up Cruise Control .NET 1.5/1.6 on Windows 7 + IIS7, I have identified a breaking change with CruiseControl .NET 1.6.x. For readability, I like to place each -D flag in my <buildArgs> definition on a separate line <tasks>� <nant> <executable>$(NAntExecutablePath)</executable> <buildFile></buildFile> <buildArgs> -D:SolutionFile=”$(Batch_WorkingFolderTrunk)MySolution.sln” -D:LocalDeployRoot=D:cideployMyProject </buildArgs> <targetList> <target>build</target> </targetList> […]

  • Setting up Cruise Control .NET 1.5/1.6 on Windows 7 + IIS7

    I have been setting up a new continuous integration system on my laptop for some of my personal projects and thought it would be a good time to upgrade to Cruise Control 1.5. I came across some issues during the setup so I have put up my notes on the process in case anyone else […]

  • Continuous Integration with Cruise Control, .NET (C#, WPF, ASP.NET) Projects, and NAnt

    UPDATE: NAnt 0.91 Alpha 2 has been released with support for .NET 4. Download it here. UPDATE: CruiseControl.NET 1.5 (Final) has been released and is available here. UPDATE CruiseControl.NET 1.5 RC1 has been released and is available here. My Cruise Control .NET implementation consists of numerous development projects each with multiple different Cruise Control .NET […]